Rescheduled & Registration Now Open:
August 2022 GSHA Live Webinar Join us over Zoom and earn .2 ASHA CEUs Complimentary for GSHA Members, $25 for Non-members
Registration Closes August 2nd
Our June 2022 Webinar has been re-scheduled to Wednesday August 3, 2022.
If you have already registered for the June event, you do not need to re-register.
Infant Feeding & Dysphagia: Differential Diagnosis and the ABC’s of Medical Co-Morbidities
Raquel Garcia, SLP-D, CCC-SLP, CLC, CNT, BCS-S
Wednesday August 3, 2022, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Instructional level: Intermediate
Date: Wednesday August 3, 2022, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Time: 2 hours
Abstract: More than even before, pediatric feeding is a high need area in the field of speech-language pathology. Medicine continues to advance, promoting viability with life and a staggering decrease in infant mortality. As such, infants and children with complex medical conditions and differences are in need of feeding and swallowing intervention. Clinicians across settings, intensive care units to schools, are being challenged to assess and treat children with varied medical co-morbidities, pediatric feeding disorders (PFD), and pediatric dysphagia. The purpose of this webinar is to guide in the differential diagnosis of a PFD versus pediatric dysphagia. Additionally, common infant medical co-morbidities will be reviewed and how they impact feeding and swallowing development.
Learning Objectives: As a result of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Differentiate pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) and Dysphagia 2. Review normal feeding/swallowing development 3. Define common infant medical comorbidities. 4. Examine feeding/swallowing influential subsystems and relationship with medical co-morbidities.
Time Ordered Agenda: 6:00pm-6:10pm: Introduction of Speaker and topic area 6:10pm-6:25pm: Review of embryologic development and typical infant anatomical structures 6:25pm-6:35pm: Identify variances in typical infant feeding patterns 6:35pm-6:50pm: Identify variances in atypical feeding patterns 6:50pm-7:15pm: Explain use of infant driven and adaptive bottles and compensatory strategies to improve quality and/or safety of PO feeding 7:15pm - 7:30pm: Explain pediatric feeding disorder versus pediatric dysphagia 7:30pm-7:50pm: Review velopharyngeal dysfunction and speech/language acquisition medical co-morbidities that can impact feeding and swallowing. 7:50pm-8:00pm: Questions /Wrap Up

Biography: Dr.Garcia is a trained craniofacial and feeding specialist who has worked in infant critical care units for over 10 years. She has lectured at the national and state level on pediatric feeding disorders. She graduated with her M.S. in communication disorders from Nova Southeastern University and her doctorate of speech-language pathology from Northwestern University. Her clinical interests include neonatal care, congenital heart disease, upper airway disorders, infant FEES, parent/baby dyad, and parental health literacy.
Disclosures: Financial Disclosure: Dr.Garcia is Assistant Professor Nova Southeastern University and Speech-Language Pathologist at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Non-Financial Disclosures: Dr.Garcia is a FLASHA Executive Board Member, Vice President of Communications, Hispanic Caucasus, Vice President of Professional Practices, SIG 13 Coordinating Committee, Member at Large, SIG 5 Professional Development Committee, Feeding Matters, Conference Committee 2022 , NANT, Peer Reviewer, Dysphagia Outreach Project (DOP), Director of Pediatric Affairs
